“Mediaactive”, author: Dan Gilmore
The book “Mediacctive” was translated and published by JFF within the framework of a grant provided by the Public Relations Office of the US State Department.
The book “Mediacctive” was translated and published by JFF within the framework of a grant provided by the Public Relations Office of the US State Department.
The German Press Code was translated into Armenian and published within the framework of the “Cross border observations: reliable coverage of local elections in Lower Saxony and Armenia” program implemented by Berlin Journalism School and “Journalists for the Future” NGO in Armenia.
The translation was done on the basis of the full version of German Press Code approved by German Press Council on 13.03.2013.
The structure of the German press council has four members, two journalists associations and two publishers associations, who represent the majority of German newspapers and magazines. However, also newspapers who are not member of the publishers association will follow guidelines of the press council and publish their reprimands (official statement that the codex was violated) on certain articles.