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Yerevan, Armenia – On April 20 at 15:00, the “Journalists for the Future” NGO (JFF) presented two new websites — and — created as part of the “Informed Voter” project. The presentation took place at the Argishti Conference hall- Erebuni Plaza Business Center (9 floor) in Yerevan.

The aim of the websites is to help foster free, fair, and transparent parliamentary elections in Armenia, by using alternative media to support voters’ awareness.

The “Informed Voter” project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Armenia and the OSCE Office in Yerevan. US Embassy Public Affairs Officer Karen Robblee and OSCE Office in Yerevan Democratization Programme Officer Oliver McCoy attended the event. (irazek means “informed” in Armenian) will:
• Provide Armenian voters with information on their rights and the election progress in simple, comprehensible language
• Inform voters on polling stations and the nominated candidates
• Create a community of concerned voters through “flash mob” activities and other social events
• Serve as a message board for voters to voice their observations and concerns about the election

Yerevan, Armenia – On April 20 at 15:00, the “Journalists for the Future” NGO (JFF) presented two new websites — and — created as part of the “Informed Voter” project. The presentation took place at the Argishti Conference hall- Erebuni Plaza Business Center (9 floor) in Yerevan.

The aim of the websites is to help foster free, fair, and transparent parliamentary elections in Armenia, by using alternative media to support voters’ awareness.

The “Informed Voter” project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Armenia and the OSCE Office in Yerevan. US Embassy Public Affairs Officer Karen Robblee and OSCE Office in Yerevan Democratization Programme Officer Oliver McCoy attended the event. (irazek means “informed” in Armenian) will:
• Provide Armenian voters with information on their rights and the election progress in simple, comprehensible language
• Inform voters on polling stations and the nominated candidates
• Create a community of concerned voters through “flash mob” activities and other social events
• Serve as a message board for voters to voice their observations and concerns about the election

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:145:]] is a regional news and voter information platform. Twenty professional and civilian journalists, mainly from the regions of Armenia, will contribute to In the coming months, they will cover electoral events in their regions as well as social, environmental, healthcare and other issues. contributors write according to the “Ethics Code of Online Journalist”, which was developed by JFF. The Code of Ethics was signed by regional journalists at the conclusion of a three-day training entitled “Coverage of the Elections in New Media Platforms”, which was organized by the JFF within the frames of the “Informed Voter” project.

JFF hopes that through these platforms it will help contribute to the active participation of citizens in Armenia’s electoral processes and support the formation of an educated electorate.
