New Media Tools in the Spotlight
The “Journalists for the Future” NGO organizes a three-day camp for journalism teachers (T-camp) in Aghveran, Armenia on November 26-28: the topic – “New Media Tools for Journalism Education”. Among participants there are lecturers of journalism departments from state and non-state universities of Armenia. T-camp will be moderated by experts on communication, journalism and on-line resources Dziugas Parsonis and Ana Keshelashvili invited from Lithuania and Georgia respectively.
The aim of the course is to introduce alternative media tools to journalism teachers and to show the opportunities of their usage in professional activities.
The participants theoretically as well as practically will examine and discuss different topics related to the transformation of mass media in digital environment, the impact of social networks and the ways and rules of communication on the Web domains.
The experts will introduce to the participants new media technologies necessary for a universal journalist and the opportunities they provide, as well as they will enrich the methodological basis of Armenian university teachers.
New Media Tools in the Spotlight
The “Journalists for the Future” NGO organizes a three-day camp for journalism teachers (T-camp) in Aghveran, Armenia on November 26-28: the topic – “New Media Tools for Journalism Education”. Among participants there are lecturers of journalism departments from state and non-state universities of Armenia. T-camp will be moderated by experts on communication, journalism and on-line resources Dziugas Parsonis and Ana Keshelashvili invited from Lithuania and Georgia respectively.
The aim of the course is to introduce alternative media tools to journalism teachers and to show the opportunities of their usage in professional activities.
The participants theoretically as well as practically will examine and discuss different topics related to the transformation of mass media in digital environment, the impact of social networks and the ways and rules of communication on the Web domains.
The experts will introduce to the participants new media technologies necessary for a universal journalist and the opportunities they provide, as well as they will enrich the methodological basis of Armenian university teachers.
To encourage the use of new media tools and to develop the professional skills of the Armenian journalists, the “Journalists for the Future” NGO plans to organize other analogical seminars in the future for the journalists working in the regions of Armenia. This will contribute to the effectiveness of regional media with the usage of new media tools.
The «New Media Workshops for Media Society» program is implemented with the support of the Social Transformation Program (Matra) of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the OSCE Office in Yerevan.