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Online TV Is Opening In Azerbayjan

“Online television in Azeri web space is quite a rare thing”, said Vali Valiev – the executive director of SIA, Siasport, SesTV to

The neighboring counries have already succeeded in this sphere, and in Azerbayjan, there are a few technical moments that create obstacles in realization of such an idea.

“Our project is not completed yet, and I cannot say how successful it will be. But I think that till the end of the month we will finish the formation of the project.”

There will be online broadcastings, news blocks every two hours both in written and in video format.


“Online television in Azeri web space is quite a rare thing”, said Vali Valiev – the executive director of SIA, Siasport, SesTV to

The neighboring counries have already succeeded in this sphere, and in Azerbayjan, there are a few technical moments that create obstacles in realization of such an idea.

“Our project is not completed yet, and I cannot say how successful it will be. But I think that till the end of the month we will finish the formation of the project.”

There will be online broadcastings, news blocks every two hours both in written and in video format.
