On Tuesday morning, a car with four passengers travelling from Yerevan to Artik, tumbled into the canyon near the Mastara village. Three of the “VAZ – 2107” car passengers were journalists: photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan, journalists Tigran Tadevosyan from “Photolur” agency and Lilit Tadevosyan from “E-press” news agency. Fortunately, none of them was injured.
The car accident was caused by the heavy snow on February 1, which made some of the inter-state roads impenetrable. “The road in Mastara was completely impassable and icy. Because of the slippery ice cover of the roads the car tumbled into the canyon; we went about 10-15 meters down in the car,” photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan told Radio Liberty.
[[wysiwyg_imageupload:68:height=241,width=329]]The journalists were leaving for the “Artik” penitentiary to cover the examination process of the appeal submitted by the detained journalist Nikol Pashinyan, chief editor of the “Haykakan Zhamanak” daily.
The journalists have been helped by ordinary citizens, after which they have returned to Yerevan.
Examination of Pashinyan’s appeal didn’t take place, as his lawyers, too, have been half way back to Yerevan because of the impassable roads.
Source: JNews.am
On Tuesday morning, a car with four passengers travelling from Yerevan to Artik, tumbled into the canyon near the Mastara village. Three of the “VAZ – 2107” car passengers were journalists: photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan, journalists Tigran Tadevosyan from “Photolur” agency and Lilit Tadevosyan from “E-press” news agency. Fortunately, none of them was injured.
The car accident was caused by the heavy snow on February 1, which made some of the inter-state roads impenetrable. “The road in Mastara was completely impassable and icy. Because of the slippery ice cover of the roads the car tumbled into the canyon; we went about 10-15 meters down in the car,” photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan told Radio Liberty.
[[wysiwyg_imageupload:68:height=241,width=329]]The journalists were leaving for the “Artik” penitentiary to cover the examination process of the appeal submitted by the detained journalist Nikol Pashinyan, chief editor of the “Haykakan Zhamanak” daily.
The journalists have been helped by ordinary citizens, after which they have returned to Yerevan.
Examination of Pashinyan’s appeal didn’t take place, as his lawyers, too, have been half way back to Yerevan because of the impassable roads.
Source: JNews.am