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MIA Satisfies Journalist’s Complaint

On June 27 the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia satisfied the administrative complaint lodged by journalist Nino Mikiashvili of the media union Obiektivi and assigned the FOI officer of the state agency to issue the requested data to the applicant, reports the Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA) that had been providing legal aid to the journalist.

On May 27, 2011 Nino Mikiashvili lodged an application to MIA and requested the identification of the riot police units that were taking part in the dispersal of the May 26 opposition protest rally. The FOI officer at MIA provided no response to the request. The journalist lodged an appeal to the Ministry. Speaking at the June 27 oral hearing at MIA, GYLA reports, the FOI officer said the journalist would be provided the requested data in the forthcoming days.


On June 27 the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia satisfied the administrative complaint lodged by journalist Nino Mikiashvili of the media union Obiektivi and assigned the FOI officer of the state agency to issue the requested data to the applicant, reports the Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA) that had been providing legal aid to the journalist.

On May 27, 2011 Nino Mikiashvili lodged an application to MIA and requested the identification of the riot police units that were taking part in the dispersal of the May 26 opposition protest rally. The FOI officer at MIA provided no response to the request. The journalist lodged an appeal to the Ministry. Speaking at the June 27 oral hearing at MIA, GYLA reports, the FOI officer said the journalist would be provided the requested data in the forthcoming days.
