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Digital Journalism for Eastern Europe

Participants from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine will acquire smart skills and deep knowledge about mobile publishing, doing online research, and internet security. This blended learning course consists of two attendance phases in Germany and one intensive e-learning module. Scholarships are available.

The Interlink Academy for International Dialog and Journalism is offering the ‘Digital Journalism for Eastern Europe’ blended-learning training program. Participating journalists from Eastern Europe are given an opportunity to update their technical skills and discuss current media ethics issues. Networking and sharing the newly gained knowledge with their colleagues back home will also play an important role in the program.

Skills taught

By participating in the program, Fellows acquire skills in the following fields:

  • Investigative research
  • Journalistic forms of presentation on the mobile internet
  • Technical production of web content
  • Filming and editing web videos
  • Digital security

Attendance and E-Learning

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Digital Television to Cover 85 Percent of Azerbaijan by 2012

Until January 2012, digital TV will cover 85 percent of the population of Azerbaijan, Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan, Elmir Velizadeh, said in an interview posted on the official website of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party.

He said the population will have an access to the public television package, consisting of 10 television channels and in the future – will be offered a commercial package of 50-60 channels.

Currently, digital television covers Baku, Ganja, Shirvan, Lerik, Lankaran and nearby areas. Analog transmissions will be suspended after full coverage of the Republic with digital signal TV.



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