“Neighbors By Destiny: Third Generation” Documentary Film Presented in Yerevan
Recently the Journalists for the Future NGO organized a screening of the “Neighbors by Destiny” trilingual documentary film which is a series of audio stories combined from videos and photos. Presentation of the Armenian version of the film took place on May 12 at the office of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation-Armenia.
The “Neighbors by Destiny” multimedia project was implemented within the framework of a sub-grant of the “Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process” programme with the financial assistance of the European Union under the Instrument for Stability.
The people featured in the film from Armenia and Turkey share memories inherited from their ancestors who have witnessed the crimes against the humanity in the Ottoman Empire in the 20th century. Among them were also ancestors of the film producer who took the path of refuge of his ancestors to return to his grandfathers’ home where the conversations started.
Although today the people featured in the film live on the two sides of the closed border between Armenia and Turkey, they are still tied by bridges of 100-year-old stories of their ancestors referring to the same locality, time and tragedy.[[wysiwyg_imageupload:76:]]
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